Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Too Late
There is no safe place for me. It feels like I'm in a 360 degree hell. Everywhere you turn, no where to run. Trapped in a place you can't escape.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Three people. A dad, a sister, and a teenager. The radio is turned on loudly playing a the latest pop song.
The teenager puts in earbuds as Truce by Twenty One Pilots plays. They drive down the country roads with turnoffs going every which a way. Coming from an event. Going back to the start. The song starts to reach its climax. The car is going fast. Around the corner the tires skid and catch an edge. As the car flips, suspended in the air, the teen looks emotionless out the windshield as the world moves slower now. Eyes closed. World slows. The car is turned upside down. The dad and sister are unconscious. The teenager has been impaled with shrapnel from the car. The teenage mutters, "Stay alive, stay alive for me. You will die, but now your life is free, take pride in what is sure to die." The teenage dies from blood lost as he expresses his last words. From the start. To the end. To a new beginning.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Overturned 💔
Is this a new beginning or a start
Cause loves no way to heal this broken heart.
An ending that's so bitter, make my life turn sour.
You know that I'll be mourning till' these final hours.
The music we listen to creates nostalgia. When I hear the words, my heart hurts, because I think of her. I miss having a girl in my arms. I miss having someone I can give my genuine love to. I miss writing songs to brighten her day. I miss being with her in every single way... I wish I could have her back, but if I did, she still wouldn't love me like I love her. I need someone to love, to hold, to help me wash away my stress and pain. It becomes too hard restrain. For so long I thought things would be ok, but for so many days, I was proven wrong. So whether it was worth it, I do not know, but I still need someone to help me through today's struggles...
Friday, October 17, 2014
After the Flash: Rain~ Chapter 2
The sulight beat down on Marc's skin as he trekked through the sea of sand. Every step he took made the sand and rubble swallow a majority of his foot. It had been a week since he had left his shack, and his mind was starting to wander as he began to wonder if abandoning his shelter was a wise decision. He was running low on rations, and he saw nothing In the horizon except for the long stretch of desert laid before him. "Why did I see this is a good idea?", he said to himself. After walking several miles out, he came across a cargo ship half buried with a gaping hole in the side of it. Overcome with exhaustion, he decided to set camp inside the ship. He set his stuff down and began to kick open doors to search for stuff to salvage, until he came across the captains quarters, which was conveniently pretty clean. As the night came upon him, he dozed off.
"Marc... Marc...", someone called. It sounded so familiar, yet also nostalgic. "Marc... Marc..." Out of the distance he could make out a figure of his mother. He called out to her overjoyed, but he started to run towards her, he noticed she was yelling out to him in peril. She wore a face of terror as she was being chased by a mutated sandshark chased after her with a knife! He tried running towards her, but he couldn't move his body! It felt like a vaccum pulling his body backwards. He Woke up in a cold sweat to find a shadowy figure standing against the doorway. He saw a small flame omit from a zippo as the person lit a cigarette and stuffed the lighter in his pocket.
"You, my friend, are a restless sleeper." Marc reached for his gun, but it wasn't there.
"Really? I said hi and you want to shoot me?", said the figure.
" 'Friendly's not an adjective I frequently use in this day and age.", Marc replied sarcastically.
The man shrugged, "Fair enough. I'll start over." He shifted in his place.
"The name's Joseph. Joseph Krawietz."
"I'm Marc Orion.", Marc replied.
"Well then 'Marc Orion', where are you headed?"
"A USCPS soldier died on my doorstep..."
Silence grew in the room like fungus in a dark and damp room.
Joseph spoke up and said, "So, you're needing to get to the base to inform them of their loss?"
"In a sense, yes. But something else struck me as odd before he died...", Marc said.
"Hunger?", commented Joseph jokingly.
"No. The soldier whispered 'They're coming'."
"Marc... Marc...", someone called. It sounded so familiar, yet also nostalgic. "Marc... Marc..." Out of the distance he could make out a figure of his mother. He called out to her overjoyed, but he started to run towards her, he noticed she was yelling out to him in peril. She wore a face of terror as she was being chased by a mutated sandshark chased after her with a knife! He tried running towards her, but he couldn't move his body! It felt like a vaccum pulling his body backwards. He Woke up in a cold sweat to find a shadowy figure standing against the doorway. He saw a small flame omit from a zippo as the person lit a cigarette and stuffed the lighter in his pocket.
"You, my friend, are a restless sleeper." Marc reached for his gun, but it wasn't there.
"Really? I said hi and you want to shoot me?", said the figure.
" 'Friendly's not an adjective I frequently use in this day and age.", Marc replied sarcastically.
The man shrugged, "Fair enough. I'll start over." He shifted in his place.
"The name's Joseph. Joseph Krawietz."
"I'm Marc Orion.", Marc replied.
"Well then 'Marc Orion', where are you headed?"
"A USCPS soldier died on my doorstep..."
Silence grew in the room like fungus in a dark and damp room.
Joseph spoke up and said, "So, you're needing to get to the base to inform them of their loss?"
"In a sense, yes. But something else struck me as odd before he died...", Marc said.
"Hunger?", commented Joseph jokingly.
"No. The soldier whispered 'They're coming'."
Sunday, September 21, 2014
After the Flash: Rain~ Chapter 1
"Good morning Pearl Harbor! This is Red Radio AM coming at you with the news! Looks like yet another sunny day folks! Put on your tank tops, and drink plenty of water. It's gonna be a hot one! Let's roll out with some music."
Marc Orion was startled by the radio announcer's voice. It took him a while to regain his thoughts after waking up. He looked at his watch. 9:30 am. He yawned as some music from the 1900s came on. As he got up he looked in the mirror and washed his face in front of the rusty sink. Marc Orion was an 18-year-old boy with jet black hair and grayish blue eyes. He was about medium sized compared to all the rest of the boys his age. It had been 66 years since the catastrophe of nuclear war. Ever since his parents were killed by a band of Sandsharks, he had been on the run ever since to avoid them. Not to mention all the rest of the dangers lurking within the country. It seems just like yesterday that they were still with him, only he had been so young and naïve. He had no idea what was going on or what to do, but his parents, he could tell, we're trying their best to recover from the tragedies. But this it happened about eight years ago. He had been living on his own ever since. Living off the land, salvaging what he could just to stay alive.
Many problems had erupted after the war. For instance, the USCPS (United States civilization preservations force) had tried to rebuild The United States of America in 2033, and had finished building Masterson factory in 2085. Unfortunately, a gang of bandits and other various criminals known as the "Sandsharks" had apprehended the factory, but was taken over by the CDF (Civillian Defense Front) mysteriously, because no one was sure whether it was by bribe, force, or if the Sandsharks had just handed it over. The USCPS still has resources it offers the citizens in poverty that they get from its two well protected factories in the American Northeast and Midwest. As a result The Atlanta crisis, which it was a resource conflict between the CDF in the USCPS, the USCPS was split into two regions, but still function as one. However, Eastern region of the USCPS is at metaphorical war with the CDF. It's still stands that if the current tension still rises tween the CDF in the USCPS, there are two locations in which this is rumored to happen in: Los Angeles, California and Pearl city, Hawaii.
Marc lives in what is known as the "Pearl Wasteland", which used to be oasis of Hawaii, that was turned into a dust-land due to the nuclear warheads. It always seemed like a vast desert to him, even though it was, but he never dared to venture very far from his rusty metallic structure. Whenever he would go outside, it was to hunt for his food to save the rations and MRE meals stored in his cupboard. If he needed water, he would go and fetch it from his well in his shack, but he was too afraid to go very far, until something occurred that would change his life forever.
As Marc set down to eat his food he had "cooked" out of a can, he heard a knock on the door. He had jumped at the sound of this, for he had never experienced something like this. He decided to ignore it, and to think of it as a rock from a sandstorm hitting his door. But when it happened again, things started to get peculiar. He grabbed his dad's .44 magnum, and walk to the door. He slowly opened it to reveal a soldier! His clothes were tattered and he was bleeding as if he just went through a meatgrinder. "Help me… There com-...". He bled out right there on Marc's doorstep. Perturbed by the site he had just witnessed, he dragged the body inside to examine it carefully, and sat down at his makeshift kitchen table. He sat there for what seemed like 3 hours just staring at his deceased visitor. When he gathered his wits, he started the search them in for any ID information or anything else helpful. After searching, he had found several items. One of which was an ID card. It read: Isaac Mason- USCPS /security officer /ID# 19994. Other than that, kid found a M9 pistol with two magazines, a combat knife, and a road flare. He took this as a sign of a kickstart. He felt the urge to leave his current living area to find people capable of helping him. He packed his backpack both scared excited to finally leave his self prison. He buried Isaac, and walk to the door ready to leave. He stood at the door as a reminder to himself that this was a split second decision that could be a whim getting him killed. He disregarded that idea and opened the door as the fading radiation and sand pelted his bandana and aviators. He took one step out the door, which would later change everything he had ever known.
Marc Orion was startled by the radio announcer's voice. It took him a while to regain his thoughts after waking up. He looked at his watch. 9:30 am. He yawned as some music from the 1900s came on. As he got up he looked in the mirror and washed his face in front of the rusty sink. Marc Orion was an 18-year-old boy with jet black hair and grayish blue eyes. He was about medium sized compared to all the rest of the boys his age. It had been 66 years since the catastrophe of nuclear war. Ever since his parents were killed by a band of Sandsharks, he had been on the run ever since to avoid them. Not to mention all the rest of the dangers lurking within the country. It seems just like yesterday that they were still with him, only he had been so young and naïve. He had no idea what was going on or what to do, but his parents, he could tell, we're trying their best to recover from the tragedies. But this it happened about eight years ago. He had been living on his own ever since. Living off the land, salvaging what he could just to stay alive.
Many problems had erupted after the war. For instance, the USCPS (United States civilization preservations force) had tried to rebuild The United States of America in 2033, and had finished building Masterson factory in 2085. Unfortunately, a gang of bandits and other various criminals known as the "Sandsharks" had apprehended the factory, but was taken over by the CDF (Civillian Defense Front) mysteriously, because no one was sure whether it was by bribe, force, or if the Sandsharks had just handed it over. The USCPS still has resources it offers the citizens in poverty that they get from its two well protected factories in the American Northeast and Midwest. As a result The Atlanta crisis, which it was a resource conflict between the CDF in the USCPS, the USCPS was split into two regions, but still function as one. However, Eastern region of the USCPS is at metaphorical war with the CDF. It's still stands that if the current tension still rises tween the CDF in the USCPS, there are two locations in which this is rumored to happen in: Los Angeles, California and Pearl city, Hawaii.
Marc lives in what is known as the "Pearl Wasteland", which used to be oasis of Hawaii, that was turned into a dust-land due to the nuclear warheads. It always seemed like a vast desert to him, even though it was, but he never dared to venture very far from his rusty metallic structure. Whenever he would go outside, it was to hunt for his food to save the rations and MRE meals stored in his cupboard. If he needed water, he would go and fetch it from his well in his shack, but he was too afraid to go very far, until something occurred that would change his life forever.
As Marc set down to eat his food he had "cooked" out of a can, he heard a knock on the door. He had jumped at the sound of this, for he had never experienced something like this. He decided to ignore it, and to think of it as a rock from a sandstorm hitting his door. But when it happened again, things started to get peculiar. He grabbed his dad's .44 magnum, and walk to the door. He slowly opened it to reveal a soldier! His clothes were tattered and he was bleeding as if he just went through a meatgrinder. "Help me… There com-...". He bled out right there on Marc's doorstep. Perturbed by the site he had just witnessed, he dragged the body inside to examine it carefully, and sat down at his makeshift kitchen table. He sat there for what seemed like 3 hours just staring at his deceased visitor. When he gathered his wits, he started the search them in for any ID information or anything else helpful. After searching, he had found several items. One of which was an ID card. It read: Isaac Mason- USCPS /security officer /ID# 19994. Other than that, kid found a M9 pistol with two magazines, a combat knife, and a road flare. He took this as a sign of a kickstart. He felt the urge to leave his current living area to find people capable of helping him. He packed his backpack both scared excited to finally leave his self prison. He buried Isaac, and walk to the door ready to leave. He stood at the door as a reminder to himself that this was a split second decision that could be a whim getting him killed. He disregarded that idea and opened the door as the fading radiation and sand pelted his bandana and aviators. He took one step out the door, which would later change everything he had ever known.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
After the Flash: Rain~ Prologue
*In advance, this backstory and backdrop idea came from ChadTheCreator on Roblox. This is inspired by his game series "After the Flash", but other than that, characters and the storylines are original, and therefore is altered and imagined by me*
Before the war ended, in late 2032, Pearl Harbor had become a strong source of naval strength for the US military. The region of the land at the end of the Middle Loch in Pearl Harbor, between Farrington Highway and the Queen Liliuokalani Fairway, had become a medium sized military industrial city between 2020 and 2032. The Leeward community college had developed many new buildings for Naval Drone Specialization and Coast Guard specialization.
This small portion of Pearl city was hit by two nuclear warheads (Both very near to its west side). The portion of the city nearest to Leeward community college in the Masterson shipyard remains fairly untouched, except for the fact that his periodically in unpredictably flooded, leaving portions of it covered entirely in eroded sand.
Since electricity is only supplied to a central machinery, electronic music and instruments have faded from the norm since the war. Music genres such a swing, jazz, and postmodern jukebox have made a comeback in the hearts and souls of Americans in the 2090's.
The year is 2098.

Before the war ended, in late 2032, Pearl Harbor had become a strong source of naval strength for the US military. The region of the land at the end of the Middle Loch in Pearl Harbor, between Farrington Highway and the Queen Liliuokalani Fairway, had become a medium sized military industrial city between 2020 and 2032. The Leeward community college had developed many new buildings for Naval Drone Specialization and Coast Guard specialization.
This small portion of Pearl city was hit by two nuclear warheads (Both very near to its west side). The portion of the city nearest to Leeward community college in the Masterson shipyard remains fairly untouched, except for the fact that his periodically in unpredictably flooded, leaving portions of it covered entirely in eroded sand.
Since electricity is only supplied to a central machinery, electronic music and instruments have faded from the norm since the war. Music genres such a swing, jazz, and postmodern jukebox have made a comeback in the hearts and souls of Americans in the 2090's.
The year is 2098.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Music's Where the Heart Is: The Split
Music is incomprehensible. There's no sorrow similar to the realization that you favorite band has disbanded. No pun intended. They leave for solo tours, but for some reason you'll never here the same music from the artists. No matter what, it will always have an empty ring to it, whether the music is good or not. We all wish we could reunite them somehow, but life is life. It happens. It's painful. Especially if the group helped you through difficult times, but that's in the past. Their music still lingers on websites and phone applications, but in person, you may never hear them at the same time again. RIP for all those bands. Fortunately, there is a theory that ten years after a split, there's a chance they might come together again.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Mr. Nobody ~ For Joseph
Everything you see exists.
We can see it.
I can see Mummy's eyes.
But I can't see my eyes.
The little baby can see his hands,
but he can not see himself.
So, does he really exist?
Do I really exist?
We can see it.
I can see Mummy's eyes.
But I can't see my eyes.
The little baby can see his hands,
but he can not see himself.
So, does he really exist?
Do I really exist?
Sorrow is Sorrow...
Tis a time of sorrow,
My life's compelled to borrow
Thy heart is broken,
The words were spoken,
I long for a hopeful tomorrow.
My life's compelled to borrow
Thy heart is broken,
The words were spoken,
I long for a hopeful tomorrow.
You and Me
And I would have never known
That you would be so cold.
That as it all unfolds,
My life could break.
Well I would've always told,
That when you're old,
You and me would be like gold
Shining bright among the heavens.
That you would be so cold.
That as it all unfolds,
My life could break.
Well I would've always told,
That when you're old,
You and me would be like gold
Shining bright among the heavens.
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