Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Too Late

There is no safe place for me. It feels like I'm in a 360 degree hell. Everywhere you turn, no where to run. Trapped in a place you can't escape.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Three people. A dad, a sister, and a teenager. The radio is turned on loudly playing a the latest pop song.
The teenager puts in earbuds as Truce by Twenty One Pilots plays. They drive down the country roads with turnoffs going every which a way. Coming from an event. Going back to the start. The song starts to reach its climax. The car is going fast. Around the corner the tires skid and catch an edge. As the car flips, suspended in the air, the teen looks emotionless out the windshield as the world moves slower now. Eyes closed. World slows. The car is turned upside down. The dad and sister are unconscious. The teenager has been impaled with shrapnel from the car. The teenage mutters, "Stay alive, stay alive for me. You will die, but now your life is free, take pride in what is sure to die." The teenage dies from blood lost as he expresses his last words. From the start. To the end. To a new beginning.