Saturday, June 27, 2015

You're a all Alone, Aren't You?

I've been tired lately, but mostly lonely...
It's hard to think, because I think it owns me
The calm, yet terrifying silence of no one
But the faint shots of COD guns.
There's not much to do accept work and sleep
And don't get me started about what to eat.
But still, they can't satisfy my want for my friends
They still seem so distant, so it still won't end.
Some may get back, but they may not stay
But for the past few days it's been all work, no play...
I miss my girl I haven't seen in a week,
But I know, so don't tell me, she's not mine to keep.
Whether in Georgia or camp, it doesn't matter
Either way, when they're gone, I go mad as a hatter.

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