Monday, July 4, 2016

Consider the Outcome

I've contracted a headache
Half from natural cause, the other half from thinking too much.
So many things I could work up to, but when I consider the outcome for the long run,
I am discouraged, because the would all be in vain, and either way, would be empty.
Some things are not worth trying for.
I embrace that truth, because it often saves me from investing too much into one thing.
I won't give any examples, because it would leak insecurity quite vigorously.
Others may just make me vulnerable.
Others may relate to people I care about.
Not directly, of course, but in the end, the purpose of some tasks are to impress or interest others.
I often fabricate the outcomes in my head just to see the end.
It does save me...
Maybe I'm scared of trying...
Not because of the effort, but because of the time I'd lose...
Not to mention, all of the devotion to a particular thing...

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