Thursday, November 19, 2015

My Paper Heart is Bleeding

"Please just don't play with me, my paper heart will bleed"
The way that you act just won't do
Just be honest, I beseech
These simple things have made me scream in pain
I don't understand...

Why do you do things you know that I like?
Just got to clear my head, and take a hike
Because I don't know what this means, and you're so confusing
So why do I still fight when I know that I'm losing?
My heart is the enemy, in which I wage war,
But in this case, I'm not sure what I'm fighting for.
You play with the elements that love would require
But every time that I see you my emotions catch fire.
My heart drops like lead in the depths of the ocean,
And likewise I'm in shock, so there's no sudden motion.
Who's fault is this? All the hurt all the pain?
I feel like my friends look with disdain.
I can't wrap my mind around this certain event,
So in this point in time my brain sleeps in its tent.
So long, and goodnight.

Lyrics of the day #12

"So bottle up old love,
And throw it out to sea,
Watch it away as you cry
A year has passed
The seasons go

Please just don't play with me
My paper heart will bleed
This wait for destiny won't do
Be with me please I beseech you
Simple things, that make you run away
Catch you if I can" - My Paper Heart by The All-American Rejects

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


What do you mean when you say you, "hit the ground running"?
To me that makes no sense, because what I've found is stunning.
You're implying you've had so sort or resistance,
When the only the only resistance I've seen is gravity's distance.
I've plummeted down, so far to the ground
I land staight on my a** a little dumbfound.
I don't know what happened, when hit me, what's real.
Not physical, but emotion pain is what I feel.
A struggle between myself and my environment,
Yes, a PvE pushes me toward my retirement
Of life, as I turn the other cheek,
But a bullet won't stop through one side, it repeats.
It shatters, puts my skull into fractions
Just tiny little fragments and then some subtractions.
I can't help to feel just a little bit hopeless
But whether or not I'm still living is pointless.
I told you that I want to live not survive,
But no matter what I have tried and strived.
Sometimes I don't want to so my end,
Because giving up now's like a breeze or a wind.
It's so soothing to know that you're finally done,
But nothing is over, for it just has begun.
There will always be more to do until I die,
But don't be worried, guys, this isn't goodbye.
I'm just sharing a feeling, I know that you're felt.
With internal struggles that we've had to dealt.
Life is a purgatory between life in death,
But there is an afterlife so settle your debts.
Don't sell your soul to the Devil, because he's not your owner.
He'll tear you to pieces and leave you a loner.
The Creator we know as, "Jesus, our Savior",
Has proven himself to be stronger and greater.
So pick your side: Evil or good,
I know who I'm rooting for, because it says in the Book.

Lyrics of the day #11

"Slow, so slow I fell to the ground on my knees.

So don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose
If you're given the choice, then I beg you to choose
To walk away, walk away, don't let her get you.
I can't bear to see the same happen to you.

Now, son, I'm only telling you this
Because life can do terrible things" - Terrible Things by Mayday Parade

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Lyrics of the day #10

"I will tell you what I can,
But your mind will take a stand,
I sing of a greater love,
Let me know when you've had enough." - Clear by Twenty One Pilots

Friday, November 6, 2015

Lyrics if the day #9


I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you
Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you
Don't you know, don't you know
True friends stab you in the front?" - True Friends by Bring Me the Horizon

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lyrics of the day #8

"I'm a gøner,
Sømebødy catch my breath.
I'm a gøner,
Sømebødy catch my breath.
I wanna be knøwn
By yøu.
I wanna be knøwn
By yøu.
Thøugh im weak
And beaten døwn,
I'll slip away
Intø the søund.
The ghøst øf yøu
Is cløse tø me.
I'm inside øut,
Yøu're underneath." - Gøner by Twenty Øne Piløts

Monday, November 2, 2015

Lyrics of the day #7

"Faces I don't know
I am tired in the glow
Of the freezing glow
Keep me breathing don't make the lights come back
Can you take me home?
We all need this when we leave alone" - Brother by Gerard Way

"Have I Ever Told You the Definition of Insanity?"- Vaas

A close friend of mine just told me perfection is relative.
To me I said that perfection is proportional
Because everyday we wear masks so we don't look emotional.
You know what the say,
"Practice makes, perfect", which helped get us through it all
We perfected our masks so you can't see through it at all
Just a glimpse of disownment, we come tumbling down
Doesn't matter a smile, straight face, or a frown
Because either way you look at it, son
If you're wearing your mask you're already done
Or at least thats what we think we can hear
But the words that hurt worst are "the end is NOT near."
After all we've all gone insane,
But that definition I learned from a game.
Yes a game, has showed me the meaning
And when I hear what it was, to me it's defeating
To try something over and over again
Hoping that one day, it comes to an end
Like trying to kill something that's always in tact
You'll try and insist, you should, "always fight back".
But just try something different is what you should do
Because sometimes new outcomes will come in a few
If one things not working it's time to be different
So when you're still trying you won't waste an instant

Now one more thing I woul like to add
Is why do people hate themselves so much and think they've gone bad?
Whether voice, looks, or talents it doesn't matter
Because for some reason we act like the others veiw is tattered
That they can't see the flaws or at least the will hide
That they can see through you and hate you despite that you try
But what we don't realize is that it's all in our head
Most of the time it's only us who wish we were dead
Only we see the flaws that have "completely" scarred us
We should never be cruel or to our selves be heartless
We are who we are and we should just accept it
Because after all, life or death, we get what we get
We were made one way and it wasn't a mistake
So let's just think before we burn our souls at the stake
We're loved by so many, and they'll always care
So always remember that there's someone there
Someone to help you when you get depressed
Whether friend, or God, or sibling nevertheless