Monday, April 18, 2016


No one can climb waterfalls,
We know that's insane.
But if logic drove us,
We may not have half a brain.
We attempt the impossible,
Which may even happen,
But in the end we are left with the question I'm askin'.

Is it worth it?
The risk or the time or the trial or the pain?
Either way I'm not sure I signed up for this game...
I feel empty, emotionless like I lack a care
Where are we going? Well, I'm not sure where.
I'm sure of nothing, if I am to be honest.
But then again, can you in a life of deadly comments?
They're denting our outsides, and although we hide it,
We have internal damage, so we try to just bide it.
Promise me friend, you won't run away,
Because we're all mad here, so I'll ask you:
Please, stay?

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