Sunday, September 25, 2016

Røøm to Imprøve

I wish I had a better use for the words I write.
So many artists perfectly put their words into a song. They make so much sense where they're coming from, and their specific meanings shed light.. I wish I had that kind of creativity.
Their sense of purpose always seems so much greater, and then, I wish I could prove my points.
I wish I could say the right things, and focus on the right picture.
Words in a song just aren't enough to get my point across.
I'm in dire need of direction. I need to translate what I mean.
They way I use my words are useless to me. These artists put them to good use.
I'm starting to get repetitive, I know, but lyrics are everything to me.
Lyrics and music tell a story that you cant put in to words, and I have the hardest time writing that picture, painting that story. I hope one day I'll be able to write that well...

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